Mobile Music Production in Realtime
Overview: Live Looping with Effects

Live Looping is the recording and playback of a piece of music in realtime. Since about 2007 there are multitrack loopers that allow you to repeatedly record and layer sounds into multiple tracks. For example, you create 3 stereo loops running synchronously, which then can be turned on and off individually, while performing live through the audio input. In combination with effect pedals you thus can arrange complete songs in realtime. Not too long ago lots of music equipment was needed, as well as access to wall power or custom-made battery solutions.

The best all-in-one solution today is probably the Boss RC-505 loop station with 5 stereo loops, powered via wall socket or 5V to 9V USB adapter (thus to be powered via usb power pack). It offers internal effects before and after the looping section, as well as stutter and pitch effects that can be applied to single loops.

However, for studio sound quality you also need effects like EQ, gate/expander, compressor, limiter, e.g. via 19" voice channel strip.

Here, a good mobile solution would be Ableton Live on a Surface Go tablet, rechargable via USB. In addition to USB hub and sound card you need a USB pad controller, enabling you to switch between tracks in realtime, each having its own active effect chain.

A somewhat simpler, smaller and less power hungry solution would be the apps Tonestack and Loopy on an iPhone. Unfortunately, here, switching between effect presets is always connected to a short waiting time and a short mute of the input signal. You can also resample single tracks with effects here and have 12 stereo loops at disposal. Ableton Live offers unlimited tracks, depending on computing power. I personally went with the iPhone solution for maximum mobility on bike travels, although technically Ableton Live is superior.

My current setup

Basically just an iPhone with a 16:9 screen (e.g. 6s Plus), a headset and the 3 apps Tonestack 3, Loopy HD and Audiobus 3 (always first close all apps, plug in mic or audio interface, wait a moment, then start Audiobus 3). Tonestack is a multi-effects app originally built for e-guitar/bass, also working great on other sources, like voice etc. Loopy is a multi track live looping app. In Audiobus Tonestack needs to get connected to Loopy by choosing Tonestack as source and Loopy as target.

I also have set up this effect chain in Audiobus to fatten the end signal: Loopy -> DDMF 6144 Equalizer -> DDMF NYCompressor -> DDMF NoLimits Limiter -> Output.

To connect a microphone and speakers you'll need an audio interface like the Zoom U-22. I use a DPA 4099 microphone and a Korg Mini Kaoss Pad 2 for effects on the stereo sum.

Useful Links:
Zentrum der Gesundheit (center of health)   -  good website providing valuable info

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